Dear Wonder Warriors,
Janet and I hope that this Monday has been treating you kindly! We wish to invite you to our International Yoga Day which is held this Tuesday at the Croydon Buddhist Centre from 11:15am to 12:15pm just before the Meditation class. You will be thrilled to know that the theme of this Yoga session will be inspired on the creation of Yoga...
A gentle reminder that t is priceless which means you can give whatever you can and you do not need to book the session in advance. However you can also RSVP us so that we are aware that you are coming and we can, hence, save you a mat : https://www.theojascentre.com/event-details/yoga-for-meditation-2022-06-21-11-15
Janet and I look forward to seeing you in the Yoga Studio tomorrow!!
With Loving Kindness, with Metta,
Awa & Janet
Facilitating Movement, Creative Arts & Mental Health